Monitoring Helper Service
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Monitoring plays a crucial role in integration flow because in OIP we regularly perform API-based connections, DB connections, and FTP/SFTP connections, and keep fetching and posting the data from the source to the target. Therefore, sometimes we encounter errors such as technical errors, which are connection issues, network traffic issues, thread allocation issues, and server downtime.
The other type of error is business errors, which are invalid IDs, mismatched date formats, and data not found issues. Whenever an error occurs, we should take action and resolve it by checking if there is any data loss or if the I-flow stopped in between running. We can monitor the following table list-wise to identify and resolve errors.
2-4 hours once manually check the I-flows in OIP screens and confirm the data flow
Scheduled wise automatically application check the I-flow and if any error occurs ,it's notify through mail