FTP Handler
FTP Handler is a helper class which facilitates data transfer through FTP protocol it has methods which extract,transform and load the data from file stored in FTP to any other allowed destinations.
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FTP Handler is a helper class which facilitates data transfer through FTP protocol it has methods which extract,transform and load the data from file stored in FTP to any other allowed destinations.
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The FTP handler serves as the backbone of the file adapter, providing access to and manipulation of files stored in the FTP channel. The files should be placed in a fixed structure within the main folder, with three separate folders named /new, /inprocess, and /processed. In the client source, the data file is initially placed in the /new folder. Once the process begins, the file is moved to the /inProcess folder. After the entire process is completed, the file is moved to the /processed folder.
The handler is used to perform various file activities such as reading, moving, splitting, merging, creating, uploading, and counting files.