Product & Developer Guide
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Oresund integration platform enables a host of capabilities that have been utilized by various adapters to create program-specific integration flows for their users. The flexibility of being able to choose the adapters that are required for the data transformation, and the ability to configure them at will is what makes it easier to data iflow.
The following table lists out the various Components that make up the Integration-flow, with a brief description of what each components module pertains to. This can be used to get an understanding of what capabilities this specific component can be used to enable. Further descriptions of each component, the configurations available within a service
Uses various in-build, pre-packaged adapters like rest, soap, file and database adapters to achieve various transformations.
Round-the-clock robust monitoring service to find and capture various errors/stoppages of the integration flows
OIP has a lot of setting-based configurations and business-specific services to fast-track Integration flow development.
Provided with a Use case for all sample Integration flows which OIP can cater to business.